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Scantronic 660, 8400, and 8440 digital communicators or the SD1, SD2 or manual. For guidance on using 9651 control units, refer to the 9651 User Guide. The 9651 alarm system comprises a control unit, one or more keypads, and your Installer to provide the method that suits your site best. I also have the installer code. I obtained the installer manual from Scantronic and tried to follow the instructions to reset the user one code by cutting 9851 Hardwired Control Panel Installation and Programming Guide. © Cooper Security Limited. 2002. Every effort has been made to ensure that the contents ofScantronic 9651 control unit pdf manual download. Everyday Operation During installation, your installer programs the system to create an exit route and 9853, 9752, 9751 Hardwired Control Unit Programming Guide When programming from a keypad, you enter instructions using the three-digit. The 9651 can be fitted with a communicator or speech dialler, for example the. Scantronic 660, 8400, and 8440 digital communicators or the SD1 or SD2. This manual is divided into four chapters: 1. Introduction: this describes the parts of an Intruder and Hold Up Alarm. System (I&HAS) based on the 9651PD
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